bp South Africa Joins African Energy Week 2022 As Platinum Sponsor

bp South Africa Joins African Energy Week 2022 As Platinum Sponsor. The African Energy Chamber (AEC) is proud to announce that British oil and gas company bp’s South Africa division has joined African Energy Week (AEW) 2022 – taking place from October 18-21 in Cape Town – as a platinum sponsor. As platinum sponsor, bp South Africa will help drive dialogue, specifically regarding Africa’s downstream sector.

Bp has operated in Africa for over 100 years, driving progress across the entire value chain from oil and gas exploration to crude oil importation and refining to distribution and marketing. In South Africa, the company boasts over 500 branded service stations; nine depots; three coastal installations; the largest rail gantry in Africa; as well as a 50% share in one of the largest refineries on the continent, the 180,000 barrel per day SAPREF refinery. As such, the company has managed to position itself as a leading retailer in the fuel industry, supplying aviation and marine fuel products in addition to retail fuel stations.
For South Africa’s downstream sector – a country which relies predominantly on fuel imports to sustain its growing economy -, bp South Africa has emerged as a leader, representing one of the largest oil companies in the country. While the company’s products and services have provided critical energy for consumers for years, planned upgrades, such as improved road access to customers and optimized operations and delivery currently being conducted by the company, will only further enhance security of supply as well as safer and more efficient distribution. At a time when global fuel supply chains are in a constant state of fluctuation, owning largely to the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict, energy security for consumers is a top priority.
Meanwhile, bp South Africa remains committed to investing in the wider economy in South Africa, with corporate social investment representing a key component of the business development plans. By investing in the communities in which the company operates, bp South Africa is not only creating long-term partnerships with communities but driving socioeconomic development and upliftment. At AEW 2022, a conference which places specific emphasis on local content and making energy poverty history by 2030, support from bp South Africa will ensure dialogue centers around the need for improved community development on the back of energy. By supporting women in energy and leadership, the participation of youth as well as environmental sustainability, bp South Africa continues to strive for excellence and sustainable transformation.
“Bp South Africa coming on board as a platinum sponsor further positions the conference as the premier platform to discuss matter related to the entire energy value chain. While topics such as exploration and production, balancing hydrocarbon development with environmental sustainability, and creating enabling environments in Africa remain top of the agenda, discussions will go one step further, exploring the challenges and opportunities associated with the downstream industry. AEW 2022 is committed to driving investment across every segment of the African energy sector, with downstream industries not exempt in this regard,” states NJ Ayuk, Executive Chairman of the AEC.
As platinum sponsor, bp South Africa will take on a leading role in conference discussions, networking events and forums, providing insight into strategies for strengthening Africa’s downstream industry and making energy poverty history by 2030.