How Repair Solutions Became The First Managed Network In South Africa

How Repair Solutions Became The First Managed Network In South Africa. Repair Solutions, established in 2014, was the first Managed Network in SA. The company has contracted technical experts in Europe to continuously develop its systems, processes and introduce the latest innovations in SA.

The company has established the first Black Owned network, the demand for its core values and principles applied to more simple solutions resulted in the establishment of its Assessing and Optimisation solutions in 2016. The company currently manages more than 1,700 claims per month it is a Level II BBBEE provider. It can help its clients reduce the average cost per motor claim (cost of motor claims) through a transparent model that aligns stakeholder interests, builds trust and delivers a superior customer experience.
Peter Todd is a founding Director of Repair Solutions, a claims management company focussed on the motor repair industry. Peter has consulted widely across the insurance industry as well as to companies looking to branch into the insurance sector, such as mobile network operators, banks and other financial institutions. Prior to setting up his own business interests, Peter held a number of senior positions in the industry including Chief Executive of Mutual & Federal; Managing Executive for Distribution at Absa Financial Services as well as Managing Director of Absa Insurance & Financial Advisers.
Aleeshen Kisten is also a founding Director of Repair Solutions, Prior to setting up the Collision Repairers Co-operative as the forerunner to Repair Solutions, Aleeshen was executive director of the South African Motor Body Repairer Association (Sambra). In 2011, Aleeshen formed the Collision Repairers Association which today represents the majority of repairers in South Africa.