South African Cryptocurrency Platform VALR Expands To Zambia

South African Cryptocurrency Platform VALR Expands To Zambia. South African Cryptocurrency exchange VALR has announced that it has expanded to Zambia! Thus far, the company’s ZAR pairs have seen a cumulative trading volume of over R167bn ($10bn) and now it is expanding to the Zambian market with BTC/ZMW & USDC/ZMW, trading went live on Monday, 21 November, at 11:00am.

The BTC/ZMW & USDC/ZMW trading launch will roll-out over three stages as described below. Post-only (21 November@11:00am): In this stage, starting at 11:00am, customers will be able to post buy-orders and sell-orders on the Exchange Buy/Sell screen. No matching (or completion) of trades will be allowed, which will give time for the order book to fill up with sufficient liquidity from traders. This stage will last a minimum of 10 minutes. Limit-only (at least 10 minutes after Post-only stage): In this stage, customers can only place limit orders on the Exchange Buy/Sell screen (market orders and the Simple Buy/Sell feature will not yet be enabled). During this stage, orders will be allowed to match. This stage will last at least 1 hour. Full trading (at least 1 hour after Limit-only stage): All trades, including market orders and Simple Buy/Sell orders will be allowed.
VALR believes that money is one of those structures predominantly defined by the nation-state. It believes the divisions and frictions caused by the antiquated nation-state system have permeated the financial system. These frictions license financial intermediaries to extract financial value from humanity’s cross-border relationships, often at exorbitant rates. VALR believes that a new organisational paradigm for society that transcends the nation-state is needed. This in turn will remove some of the frictions in the financial system. It also believes that in the absence of a societal paradigm that eliminates these man-made frictions, crypto-assets such as bitcoin and ethereum have emerged and rise above national borders.
VALR bridges the gap between the traditional financial system and the new world of cryptocurrencies. The company provides a digital asset platform that allows its customers to buy, sell, store and transfer crypto-assets seamlessly and securely. The company’s goal is to usher in a new financial paradigm that makes financial services available to the public with pricing that is fair and transparent, and with an experience that is intuitive and seamless.