ColorGen Aims To Use Its Integrated Technology System To Increase Productivity

ColorGen Aims To Use Its Integrated Technology System To Increase Productivity. ColorGen is the exclusive distributors of Michelman water-based coatings, functional barriers and primers for flexible film packaging, paperboard, label stock and corrugated cartons. The company’s integrated tech system brings increased accuracy, reducing waste and increasing production efficiencies leaving businesses with happy customers.

The ColorGen League is a benefit of partnering with ColorGen. It gives its clients access to exclusive research and development, new technology, product trials and testing as well as unparalleled service and support. With integrating its ColorTeq system, it’s clients are able to increase press efficiency and close the loop on Colour and Stock management. It has options to meet its clients budget as finance can be arranged. Being part user ColorGen’s League adds value to custom colour standards and how these are accessed by printers and end users, streamlining customer passes and creating accurate repeatability without the frustration of miscommunicating colour, with its digital Colour standards accessed easily through its ColorCloud.
ColorGen’s ColorTeq System is installed on site bringing its benefits right along side the press. The system comprises of three main concentrated facets of production – Colour Match, Quality Control and Stock Inventry. The company’s ColorTeq System is an easy installation with a once off cost. Minimum space required and includes an operating computer and mobile tech devices. Training and continual on the ground support is standard. ColorMatch software enables the company to match any colour on any standard label stock substrate within seconds identifying the specific colour composition, removing the guess work out of formulating resulting in an accurate colour mix.
Quality Control software allows for reduced waste on both ink and substrate and the ability to measure the return product and re-use on the next production run. Stock Inventory software enables the company to monitor stock levels, quantities and manage return stock for future production runs.