PROTEC And Partners Prepare For Expansion Over ‘The Next 40 Years’

PROTEC And Partners Prepare For Expansion Over ‘The Next 40 Years’. PROTEC, a national NPO that has been building successful STEM careers in South Africa since 1982, is closing the year with exciting plans and strategies for expanding the geographic reach, the number of teachers and learners to be impacted, and the range of programmes in PROTEC’s portfolio in forthcoming years.
Balan Moodley, CEO of PROTEC, says that PROTEC can look back with some pride on four decades of successful STEM (science, technology, engineering, maths) educational support for learners in disadvantaged schools. “But we are not resting on our laurels for a moment. We are now asking ourselves what we need to do in the next 40 years to ensure even greater success in meeting the dire need for learner and teacher educational support in STEM subjects.”
Moodley says, “Both our existing and new projects highlight the strength of our partnerships with our wide-ranging donor base – without them we would certainly not be in a position to achieve the success we are able to deliver. PROTEC has capacity for nationwide reach, and as our donors are seeing this potential and engaging with us, we are able to provide valuable educational support in STEM fields. This year saw South Africa rejoicing with our indomitable Springbok team as they brought home the Rugby World Cup for the fourth time – under the banner of #StrongerTogether. This is a powerful truism in so many aspects of society, and one that PROTEC is keenly aware of.”
In April 2023, the Trialogue Knowledge Hub reported that, according to the World Economic Forum, “it is critical that learners study STEM subjects in order to create a more employable workforce. Most of the top scarce skills occupations in South Africa are STEM-related. Developing STEM skills is also critical to achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly when it comes to boosting the number of women and girls entering STEM-related careers.”
Moodley adds, “PROTEC has nationwide capability and we welcome anyone and everyone with an interest in building the pool of STEM graduates in South Africa to engage with us – and make a real difference to the future of individual young lives, while also strengthening the country’s economic and social environment. We also once again make a call to the alumni of PROTEC to join us through various levels of engagement with a view to foster the ‘pay it back’ philosophy.”