
Tau Matla Launches ‘Tau Live’ Africa’s First Black owned Commodity Market Platform

Tau Matla, a trailblazing force in the mining industry, has recently made waves by launching Africa’s first-ever black-owned commodity market platform, Tau Live . This groundbreaking initiative is set to revolutionize the way miners and entrepreneurs engage with live markets, eliminating the burden of hefty annual fees while fostering a community that shares valuable research, insights, best practices, and news on various commodities.

Founder and CEO, Prince Mashabela, expressed his enthusiasm for the project, stating, “We are excited to create and launch this resource for African entrepreneurs and miners who have over the years found themselves unable to access commodity prices. I believe Tau Live will be a game-changer in the mining industry on the continent and will surely level the playing field.”

Tau Live is designed to address a significant gap in the market by providing a platform where miners and entrepreneurs can access real-time commodity prices without the financial strain of exorbitant annual fees. This move is expected to democratize access to crucial market information, empowering a broader spectrum of individuals involved in the industry.

One of the key features of Tau Live is its commitment to sharing knowledge within the community. The platform goes beyond price tracking, offering a wealth of resources such as research findings, industry insights, best practice tips, and relevant news updates. This holistic approach aims to equip users with the tools and information they need to make informed decisions in a dynamic and competitive market environment.

The significance of Tau Live extends beyond its immediate user base; it signals a shift toward greater inclusivity and empowerment within the African mining sector. By fostering an environment where information is freely shared and accessible, Tau Matla is contributing to the growth and sustainability of the industry as a whole.

Tau Matla’s launch of Tau Live marks a significant milestone in Africa’s mining industry. By introducing a black-owned commodity market platform that prioritizes accessibility, knowledge-sharing, and empowerment, Tau Matla is contributing to a more inclusive and competitive landscape for entrepreneurs and miners across the continent. Tau Live is poised to become a catalyst for positive change, setting new standards for the industry and inspiring future innovations.

You can visit the Tau Live platform on

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