The Rand Show Announces A New Pitching Forum For Young Entrepreneurs Called ‘Mzansi Youth Tycoons’

The Rand Show Announces A New Pitching Forum For Young Entrepreneurs Called ‘Mzansi Youth Tycoons’. South Africa’s ultimate consumer exhibition, The Rand Show, has announced a brand-new pitching forum for young businesspeople. Called ‘Mzansi Youth Tycoons’, the forum will give young entrepreneurs the chance to pitch their business ideas to a panel of experts and secure R 10 000, as well as valuable support services for their business. The panel will comprise representatives from the public and private sectors.
“The Rand Show has always been focused on helping to develop business,” says Adele Hartdegen, CEO of the Rand Show. “We felt that the inaugural SMME Summit, which took place last year in 2023, was an absolute success, and we wanted to add to that this year by giving the youth an opportunity to get involved at a higher level.”
Young entrepreneurs are encouraged to enter by creating a five min video introducing yourself, your product or business idea, and send to the Rand Show directly via Facebook messenger. Ten campaign finalists will be able to pitch their business idea to the panel.
The winner of The Rand Show Youth Entrepreneurial Forum will receive the following:
• A R10 000 cash prize towards the development of their business
• The opportunity to present their business to all the attendees of the SMME Summit
• A live interview on Power FM
• A 3-month social media exposure package developed by the Rand Show Head of Marketing
• Access to consulting sessions with Financial, Marketing and Managerial experts within the Rand Show team and affiliated companies