The Miss South Africa Organisation Announces The Launch Of ‘The Miss South Africa App’

The Miss South Africa Organisation Announces The Launch Of ‘The Miss South Africa App’. The Miss South Africa Organisation launches the Miss South Africa App as the new content hub for all exclusive content, voting and entries for Miss South Africa 2022. The Official Miss South Africa App will be available for free download on the iOS app store & Google play store from the 28th of March 2022.

“We are proud to announce the launch of the official Miss South Africa App. The app is aimed at expanding the Miss SA digital platforms and adding a new dimension to the Miss SA Competition.” Stephanie Weil, CEO of the Miss South Africa Organisation said in a statement. The official Miss South Africa app will also allow fans to have a say in who the next Miss South Africa will be! Read and get to know the contestants, vote for their favorite, view exclusive content, buy Miss SA merchandise and learn more about this year’s competition.
The Miss South Africa Organisation continues to make the entry process as accessible and easy as possible which means there are no forms to download and no regional auditions to which hopefuls have to travel. Those who wish to enter can simply download the app, answer a few questions and their upload entry pictures. Entrants will also be required to post their 45 seconds introduction video on social media as part of the entry process by using #MissSA2022 and tagging Official Miss South Africa on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
Miss South Africa is a leadership platform for ambitious young South African women. Through a pageantry process, contestants receive world-renowned coaching in addition to advanced networking, business and life skills. Beautiful, diverse and powerful, these women are shaped into celebrated ambassadors of our country; role models with voices that resonate and brands that inspire 365 days a year.