
How Momint Aims To Revolutionise Digital Assets

How Momint Aims To Revolutionise Digital Assets. Momint is revolutionizing the next generation of sustainable assets. By leveraging blockchain technology, it offers a transparent and incorruptible platform for renewable energy investments. Whether it’s solar certificates or other renewables, Momint ensures that each digital asset is backed by real-world value.

Momint enables accessible funding and trade of real-world assets. The company specialises in putting real assets and legal contracts on the blockchain. Momint represents more than just a platform; it embodies a movement towards a sustainable and interconnected future. With its innovative approach to blockchain technology, it is revolutionizing the way sustainable assets are managed and invested in.

Ahren P. co-founded the company with his team after debating the true value of blockchain and DLT. This was largely driven by his passion for CyberSec and an existing interest in cryptography and crypto-assets. They all came to consensus on how fundamental the technology would be after the initial hype around overpriced NFTs would settle. They decided to build a platform around utility and value of Digital Assets. Ahren P. wrote some solidity code that optimised the ERC-721 (NFT) standard and found a way for the company to mint unique assets for negligible costs. This is how the company became the first NFT marketplace in the world with free minting for its users.

Momint went on to tokenise assets like whiskey, rare coins, Nelson Mandela’s official arrest warrant and have worked on projects involving Burger King, Pepsico the Monaco Royal family and much more. Fueled by energy drinks and passion, Ahren P, the cofounder and a small team of engineers built an MVP within 2 weeks and launched the platform. Momint has subsequently become the #1 Digital Asset marketplace built in Africa, winning multiple innovation awards, with a focus on real world assets. In particular Solar, as a means of addressing an energy crisis on the continent.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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