
How Offshore Yacht Services Aims To Create Opportunities For The Youth

How Offshore Yacht Services Aims To Create Opportunities For The Youth. Offshore Yacht Services (OYS) is a new venture that sets out to create opportunities for the youth that are passionate about sailing, maritime and the ocean. Offshore Yacht Services looks to broaden the pathways in both the maintenance of Yachts and in the participation of ocean-based activities from Sailing to Kayaking.

Offshore Yacht Services has recognized and seized the opportunity to be impactful and to affect change. Through its current partnership network, it looks to create career pathways for the young individuals who will be assisting the company in delivering its high-quality services with the aim of upskilling, developing, and preparing them for an eventual entry into the maritime industry.

Malusi Marule is the co-founder of Offshore Yacht Services a Yacht management and service company and the National Keelboat Representative for South African Sailing which gives him the responsibility to wholeheartedly pursue his purpose to serve and support the people in the sailing community. “Through my Offshore I look to create more stakeholders as well as develop an infrastructure for the youth in Sailing encouraging people to engage and expand their lives through water activities and careers created by them. It also allows me to engage and serve the members of the sailing community. I have gained experience and developed skills through mechanical engineering, project management and customer support with my family and their well-being being one of my biggest motivators to do my best to succeed.” said Marule.

Momelezi Funani is also the co-founder of Offshore Yachting Services. He got into sailing through the love of the sport. He started as a student at Royal Cape Yacht Club, later as intern with the club and the internship later turned into full time employment. On the sailing front, he is a regular sailor and has participated in a number of offshore and onshore sailing events such as the Twilight Wednesday night races. “I sit on the L26 Class Association of South Africa committee, responsible for growing and promoting sailing in the Western Cape. I am also on the training path to be a recognized Offshore Racing Congress South Africa (ORC) measurer. On the health of the ocean, I am a member of the Clean Sailors initiative, a global sailing community with the aim to mobilize our global sailing community in conservation of our oceans.” said Funani.

As each yacht is specific to the owner, the company’s service offerings follow a tailored process to cater to the individuality of each vessel. These can range from recreational sailing yachts to kayaks. The company provides custom yacht management packages specific to owner and the boat. The aim is ensuring stress-free boat ownership and a commitment to making the yacht “ready to go” when clients are ready to cruise.

In addition to its array of services, Offshore has an extensive range of fareast performance yachts new boats for sale, which ranges from Optimist to Cat 36 C. On the other front, its pre -owned brockage division has range of quality monohulls for sale.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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