
How AB Farms Aims To Provide Innovative Agricultural Solutions

How AB Farms Aims To Provide Innovative Agricultural Solutions. AB Farms is an Agricultural Technology Company that provides innovative hydroponics solutions to small scale and commercial farmers alike. The company was founded by a team of engineers who use their expertise to provide innovative solution to problems within the agriculture sector.

At a time when electricity in South Africa is becoming more expensive and more unreliable due to power failures. It is becoming economically unsustainable to operate hydroponic systems continuously over extended periods of time. Particularly, during power failures, when generators have to stand in for conventional electricity. AB Farms has hence, designed a pipe system that allows the plant to have access to water continuously even though the irrigating system is off due to power shortages, pump failure or any other reason. The system essentially allows for plants to be irrigated periodically, as opposed to continuously, thus reducing the amount of energy required per kg produced.

The company’s modular pipe system allows for effective hydroponics farming at virtually any scale. The system allows for farming of green leafy crops using 10 times less space, up to 90% less water in a virtually pesticide free environment, virtually anywhere. The units of the proposed system are also stackable, which further enables efficient decentralized and localized urban farming.

AB Farms strives to become a globally sustainable agricultural technology company that provides and uses industry leading solutions to cultivate and process highly nutritious, fresh and tasty high value crops; availing them to its clients at fair prices, alongside unparalleled customer service.

AB Farms is inspired by the food security crisis within South Africa and beyond the borders. The company aspires to address this concern in two ways (1) by providing innovative and sustainable vertical farming solutions that enable the production of crops in urban environments (2) by continuously increasing and stabilizing the total food supply; and by so doing, create of wealth and prosperity for all.

By Thomas Chiothamisi
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