Daphko Construction and Projects Is A Construction Company Aimed At Providing Various Construction Services

Daphko Construction and Projects Is A Construction Company Aimed At Providing Various Construction Services Daphko Construction and Projects Cc is an exciting venture that aims to become a recognised name within the local construction industry. Its services include but not limited to: Structural Steelwork, Small Civil Works, General Building, Renovations, Concrete works, Plumbing, etc.
Daphko Construction and Projects Cc is a registered legal entity that operates as a close corporation under the South African DTI. The close corporation is a 100% black woman owned entity and level one contributor to BBBEE. The company is managed by Mrs. Daphny Lesihla as a co- founder of Daphko Construction and Projects Cc.
Daphko Construction and Projects Cc have been involved in the construction industry over the past eight years. The business has obtained most of its previous work and work-in-progress on a closed tender basis as a subcontractor for H Smith construction Cc and Civistruct (PTY) Ltd., and most previous projects executed for manufacturing firms.
The company is managed by Mrs. Daphny Lesihla as a co- founder of the Daphko Construction and Projects CC. She is involved with strategic decision making. Mrs. Daphny Lesihla is incredibly competent in terms of Occupational Health and Safety and environmental health and safety from her educational background. Construction work is supervised by Mr. Keena Paul Lesihla (Construction Supervisor) who possesses National Diploma in Building from the Vaal University of Technology.
Completed Projects of the company include: Renovation and refurbishment of stable/coffee and pro shop – Eye of Africa; Pump house upgrade conversion to offices – Scaw metals, Wadeville; SGB office block upgrades/conversion to canteen and male/female change house – Macsteel, Lillianton; Extension of dewatering building – Johannesburg water (Olifantsvlei); Renovation and refurbishment of office block – Howden, Booysens; Construction of CL02 transformer building – (Sappi Springs); Development of block X, ERF 10 and 11 Mabopane and the Construction of Roorde industry 88/11 Kv substation.
Its services include: Structural Steelwork, Steelwork Construction, Maintenance of Steel Structures, Aesthetics of Steel Structures, Stainless Steel Replacement, Specialised Repair Work, Corrosion Protection and Painting of all Chemical Paints. It also includes Civil Construction, New Structures, Plinths & Foundations, Machine Bases and Holding Down Bolts, Specialised Concrete Repair Work, Pre-Cast Retaining Walls, Building Work and Concrete and Earth Drains.