
How Carol Bouwer Bags Is fast Becoming The Leading Proudly SA Luxury Handbag Brand

How Carol Bouwer Bags Is fast Becoming The Leading Proudly SA Luxury Handbag Brand. It is often said that a woman’s relationship with her handbag is something sacred, that develops over many years and there are unspoken rituals and rules between them. Some women never put their bags on the floor; some never let anyone else touch them! Some will buy the same style in every colour, while others carry their entire lives in a single bag!

Where a woman purchases her bag is also a part of how they communicate who they are, that is why Carol Bouwer based her first boutique at one of the most premium addresses in South Africa, the One&Only Hotel. The One&Only whispers luxury and refinement, which is the very DNA of every Carol Bouwer bag. This partnership is history in the making and it is its hope that its presence makes the international One&Only brand accessible and imaginable for all.

Public figures such as Phumzile Van Damme, who is a former member of parliament and Amanda Dambuza, who is businesswoman have been spotted carrying the luxury bag. The brand has proven to have a high quality product as these high profile individuals took their time to publicly support the brand.

Carol Bouwer bags are made in Cape Town and it adheres to exacting standards, using the very best materials South Africa has to offer. Its local team has trained over many years and this artisanal mastery will continue to grow as the brand grows. Job creation is at the core of what the brand does and it insists on keeping all its production local. The company believes that it is important to instil pride in South African brands and that premium brands don’t necessarily always have to come from foreign lands. This is a prime example of beneficiation in action. The brand prides itself on the fact that every signature Carol Bouwer Bags is beautifully crafted, with the best materials, sourced responsibly here in South Africa.

By Thomas Chiothamisi

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