Enterprise Development Company The Transformation Legacy Shares How It Aims To Develop SMMEs

Enterprise Development Company The Transformation Legacy Shares How It Aims To Develop SMMEs. The Transformation Legacy is an enterprise development company which specializes in developing and supporting entrepreneurs by propelling them to grow their small businesses into sustainable enterprises. The company intends to capacitate ordinary entrepreneurs to achieve lasting success in their businesses and thus leave a lasting legacy.

Enterprise development, in its context, encompasses the identification, mobilization and capacitating of entrepreneurs by providing support through, mentorship and training programmes that aim to empower entrepreneurs to significantly grow their businesses. The Transformation Legacy seeks to develop entrepreneurs that can make a meaningful and significant contribution to their communities and the economy through their success and sustainability. The company believes that all its interventions should lead to measurable results for both the entrepreneur participating in its programmes as well as the corporates and SMME development institutions that it partners with.
The company partners with corporate companies to design and implement impactful Enterprise & Supplier Development (ESD) programmes that go beyond the development of SMME’s and the enhancement of the B-BBEE scorecard. In addition, its programmes result in effective and measurable access to markets opportunities for SMME’s as well as ensuring that companies have suitable and reliable SMME suppliers that they can procure services from.
The company also aims to provide SMME’s with result-driven business mentorship programmes and business growth strategies whilst building sustainable businesses that can outlive the founder.