Uber Is Ordered To Grant UK Drivers Their Worker’s Rights!

Uber Is Ordered To Grant UK Drivers Their Worker’s Rights! Uber will reclassify all 70 000 of its UK drivers as workers, entitling them to the minimum wage, vacation pay and other benefits after a landmark ruling from the Supreme Court last month. According to Big News Network, the ride-hailing app’s drivers will receive at least the national living wage of $12.11 (just over R250) per hour. This will be the minimum drivers can earn, in what Uber described as an “earnings floor, not an earnings ceiling.”
Jamie Heywood, Uber’s regional general manager for Northern and Eastern Europe said to Big News Network, “This is an important day for drivers in the UK. Uber drivers will receive an earnings guarantee, holiday pay and a pension, and will retain the flexibility they currently value.” Heywood said he hopes all other operators will join Uber in improving the quality of work for these important workers who are an essential part of everyday lives.
“The ripples from this decision will travel far and the decision goes to the heart of the gig economy structure. The lean, low-cost model is eroded by the need to pay minimum wage and to allow holiday,” she said, adding that “some businesses will simply be unable to continue trading with the increased cost base.” Mary Walker, employment lawyer at Gordons told Big News Network.
“Uber had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do the right thing, but finally they’ve agreed to follow the ruling of the courts and treat their drivers as workers. Other gig economy companies should take note – this is the end of the road for bogus self employment.” Mick Rix, national officer at GMB, one of the labour unions that supported the case told Big News Network.
According to Big News Network Yaseen Aslam, one of the drivers who first brought the case five years ago said, “I’m very shocked to see this. It’s a step in the right direction but it’s something they should have done in 2016. They should be saying, the minute you log on to when you log off, you should be earning minimum wage. They haven’t fixed the situation like they’re saying.”